To DocB,
Wow! That's a very powerful piece of prose and everyone contends that you are retired; that's a
very big crock of bad smelling stuff. The only thing you've done is found time to compose and post. I love it, Doc, telling it exactly as you see it.
I love your final 3 paragraphs in particular. If there is some disagreement with your positions, people had better get up to speed, do some very serious research and "man-up" with their opposition, because name calling, shouting and character attacks ain't gonna cut the mustard.
You've just made it show and tell time!
To Guro Tom Kashino:
Thank you, Guro Kashino, for your insights. You post got me thinking about some things
that my dad and uncle have been trying to tell me for years... but what the hell do they know? Quite a bit actually and your post made their points harder for me to ignore. Thanks.
Jamie Binjara
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